Ryivhnn's avatar
I don't think I will ever appreciate the corset. But...*steals the utility belt and arm bracers and RUUUUUUNS*

Something I just thought of, does she replace the grip on that katana often? Because it always looks so shiny and new and unused. Unless it's like that because she doesn't use it :)
IamUman's avatar
good tip... I'm going to add some wear and tear to the katana. She's definitely going to use it!
render8's avatar
ahhhh but a good soldier always keeps their weapons clean and in top shape lol. nahhh, but seriously, this is great work. i've been enjoying watching the progress of these characters of yours. now i don't want to really nitpick here because i'm not sure if your ultimate goal is realism or just a bad-ass looking character, so i'll just let you know i think she's progressing quite nicely! great job man.
IamUman's avatar
I'm still not 100% happy with the character, so I'll keep on fiddling until I think she's just right! Thanks!