Comment on Melodia by AtomicTiki

InnocentTazlet's avatar
I love the tones on this, and the contrast with the background.. Love the boots especially glad to see you finish this up
AtomicTiki's avatar
It was tough to get the ambition to do this, I've been somewhat leery of inking for a while and I decided to do this just to get it out of my brain so I could proceed with other works.

I tried a few new things too, I tried a few different basic background colours that would compliment the predominant colour and I think it worked. The tones was the part that probably took me the longest time, there was a lot of messing with brushes/opacity/blending/masking I started off making it really high contrast and then toned it down so I could just see it (and to ensure it didn't overpower the whole piece).

Finally I added some highlights and started playing around with the kind of smokey effect, I thought it looked cool so I kept it!