Zanslev's avatar
At one time I read about a certain type of dropship that was fitted out as you describe, but with a very light complement of anti-capital weaponry. Some were even disguised as commercial ships. I believe this is called a 'Q-ship'.
Excalibur-T005's avatar
Well, here's hoping they put one in a game, then.
Zanslev's avatar
The upcoming MW5-

"Echo, Saber Lead, We're moving up the main road, Davion resistance so far is light"

"Roger Saber One, proceed into the spaceport, link up with us at the ATC. Third company is making its move on the Davy HQ."

"Copy... Hang on Echo...


"Gunship! Gunship! Saber three is down! Saber lance, fall- *static*
Excalibur-T005's avatar
Is that actually from the game/trailer for the game? If so, awesome; if not, it should be.
Zanslev's avatar
No, unfortunately. I made it up.
Excalibur-T005's avatar
Dang. Well, we can always hope.