mandrakeine's avatar
Hi SilentlyLucid,
I have just emailed lucias, and asked her if I can use her image as a print, I have used very similar idea to what you have and was inspired by your artwork, and I went off your idea, just to see what I could achieve I can not critique your work because its lovely. My downfall is that lazy I rushed it, I should have place the wings on first, scaled them and added another layer with Lucias on it, you can clearly see that your wings are behind her back, but hey I will know next time (: nice title to the image, I think I will call mine (why am I here) or maybe you guys can come up with a name when you see it (:
Anyway I just have to wait for confirmation off Lucias and it will on deviant art (:
Take it easy all
Amanda Malcolm if a clockwork orange this image isn’t I will sack Malcolm lol