girl1's avatar
I was just kidding, I only name the really good ones....
It fosters a healthy spirit of competition amongst my other tools to not be crappy....I think it has even driven some to sharpen themselves overnight ... you keep their edge.
(yes- I need to be smacked for that one)
Thebuild's avatar
I should name my scalpel then, the blade never lasts long enough.
girl1's avatar
But grasshopper... that is the type of tool you hold up as an example to the other tools and bang on with a rock to let them know there are dire consequences for repeated failure.
The bad eggs.
We try to not speak of them too often.
8ighteyed's avatar
Thanks for my silly grin, in this instant ^_^
Thebuild's avatar
I shall remain silent. :c
JuleeMClark's avatar
lol. love this convo. if only there were a "like" button for me to click.
Thebuild's avatar
Oh thank you,

It just comes out. :meow: