msklystron's avatar
Big congratulations!!!

Good advice for NaNoing or simply just getting the story down any time. This is my process generally -- to just let it flow, halting as infrequently as possible to make sure I'm on track and saying what I mean.

Your message is well-conveyed.:)
ATrue's avatar
msklystron's avatar
You're very welcome!

BTW: I doled out my prizes earlier today.:)
ATrue's avatar
Cool, thanks! Everyone has been so good about coming through on this contest. I'm used to getting shafted by at least a few. It's been awesome and I'm happy to have had you on the team!
msklystron's avatar

Yup, I've been likewise shafted. But it would never occur to me to be a shafter. If I commit to something I follow through.:) Anytime you need me, just ask.

Also, if it's within your power to do so, please nudge people over to my (sadly unnoticed) gay rights/ marriage theme on #TheControversy. All genres of lit (and art) are welcome. Entrants don't have to be members.