Hermes was lighting fast and Kratos still killed him. Now he has the boots that will allow him to move that fast. I am pretty sure that the one who defeated the king of the gods would be able to defeat a mortal from Japan.
DemonicBounty's avatar
Hermes was nowhere close to even Mach 1 speed, and Kratos did not kill him with superior speed. Plus Hermes sucked at fighting.
Congratulations, he killed a being incapable of destroying planets, while Goku fights against people like that all the time.
Let us put it this way. If Kratos was able to defeat Zeus, then Goku would have an easier time.
you are seriously saying that this mortal could beat the king of the gods? Also how many primordial deities has Goku killed?
DemonicBounty's avatar
Seeing as how Goku is stronger, then yes, he definitely could.
No deities as far as I know (new movie could change that) but seeing how strong the enemies he has defeated before, that would make no difference.
Being a god means nothing compare to actual feats displayed. Neither Kratos nor the gods in his games have displayed the speed or destructive power to match that of Goku.
In Greek mythology. Hercules and Atlas are able to carry the whole universe on their shoulder. Kratos came along and whooped their asses. Goku has never nothing on Kratos.
I dont think you completely understand the difference between mach 1 speeds and mach 1000. 
Greek mythology Hermes boots allow him to travel at light speed. Considering that this is Greek mythology, it probably applies. He wouldn't be the messenger of the gods if he was that slow as nearly every good is seen moving faster than that.
No, I am right. Hercules and Atlas held Oronus(the sky) from (Gaia) the Earth. Oronus would crush everything on Earth if Atlas dropped it. Hermes also had the attitude that Kratos wouldn't be able to catch him. Look what happened to him. You never answered my question. How many primordial deities ha Goku killed?
DemonicBounty's avatar
...uhhh check your mythology. Atlas and Hercules only held up the sky, not the universe. and in GoW Atlas holds up a giant landmass which is held up by several pillars and a mountain, so no even in GoW he does not hold up up something on his own.
Besides, what good will that strength do if he is too slow to react to or hit Goku.