Comment on The Ghostly Trio by johwee

Randomspazz's avatar
So this year I decided to try this style of pumpkin carving for the first time and chose to carve Haunter. Well while I was looking up various pictures for reference, an image of this popped up and I realized I just had to borrow your genius and carve the whole ghostly trio. It took me about 8 hours to get it done, but I managed to complete it. It was totally worth the blood, sweat, and tears; my pumpkin was a huge hit with the neighborhood! So thanks for the inspiration!!! Let me know if you're interested in seeing how mine turned out.
johwee's avatar
That's awesome, I'm glad to hear it was a success! I would love to see how it turned out :D
Randomspazz's avatar
Once again thanks for the inspiration! Here's a link to my rendition: [link]
johwee's avatar
Woah, nice job!