The reason you are my favorite artist is because in all of your paintings I can make up a story about them in my head. Even the more simple portraits the eyes draw me in an i feel like i know this person. I dont know how to say it, they have life... souls. I hope you do another calendar this year. Ill be to sad to take this one down, actually maybe I wont take it down at all.

Thank you for sharing your art. One day Im going to own one. Not anytime soon but after I get my degree for sure.
MichaelShapcott's avatar
Thank you so much for the kind words! It means a lot to me that you find such life in my work.

I'm actually in the middle of making a new calender as we speak. I'm going to make a blog post on my website on Monday with all the info. Good luck at school and I look forward to selling you a painting one day ;)
MichaelShapcott's avatar
Here's a link to the new calender [link] :)