SiogaAgusArrachtaigh's avatar
Makes me wish they were more popular. But I guess they're kind of like ferrets. Not many people around here love them. :(
Eliea's avatar
How sad. For both critters! Ferrets are cute and quite fun critters. (I have one currently but have had a total of 6)
Personally I think Coelacanth's are cute too.
SiogaAgusArrachtaigh's avatar
Indeed! ^^ I have to fuzzy ferrets myself and I love them to death. And coelacanth's are very cute.
Eliea's avatar
:) Do you find that people just don't realize how fun and adorable they are till they've interacted with one? I've noticed that about people I know. For example I post a picture of my cat or dog on facebook and it gets loads of likes and comments.
My little fuzz butt get nothing. It's so SAD! And I find most people just don't realize how fun and cute they can be.
SiogaAgusArrachtaigh's avatar
Yeah, I noticed that too.I think the problem is that when people look at the ferrets features they automatically think "ew, rodent". Which sucks since they're not even in the rodent family. I personally think they're cuter than rodents. ^^
Eliea's avatar
I think so too. Though I have owned rats to and found them cute and smart in their own unique ways. I think it must be the ears. though I personally think they look so different than rodents I think you are right most people associate them with them for some reason.
SiogaAgusArrachtaigh's avatar
I've never had rats myself, but I have friends that did, they were sweethearts, nut for me ferrets are more than enough of a handful.It probably is the ears. The whiskers and beady eyes probably don't help. It took my mom a little while to warm up to them since they're rodent-like and she doesn't like rodents. She loves ferrets now though. ^^