ancalinar's avatar
No eye? That's an interesting choice. :]

I like that you captured the movement in her so well - what with the opposing curves on her thighs and the swish of her hair.

I'd maybe shrink her head in relation to her torso, or make the latter slightly longer? Is this for anything new and super-secret?
AstroRobyn's avatar
I decided to go with no eye because I think eyes are super telling of who the person is and I wanted to try and make this a "minimalist" portrait. I think you're totally right about her head, a bit too big.
It's not part of a super secret project, but I would still like to consider publishing a book of babes *nudge nudge, wink wink* in which case there seems to be a spot in there for this.
ancalinar's avatar
Right. I need to do more girl pantings.