Jez123's avatar
I wanna come out soo bad, because this is who i am, and i don't want to pretend throughout all of high school. After all, i'm only a freshman - 3 1/2 years left to go.
Sometimes i wish i realized i wasn't straight when i became a senior or something. That'd be a lot easier :shrug: but whatever. I feel for you ):
TheAmericanAverage's avatar
I'm a freshman too. I want to come out, but everyone is saying it's better to come out once you get to college.
Jez123's avatar
i'm thinking about coming out either after basketball season ends (since i'm on the team) or next year, since i'm not taking gym next year (lol). My school is pretty accepting overall, it's just the sports things i'm worried about...
What's it like at your school?
TheAmericanAverage's avatar
Well, my town in general is the fiery pit of hell when it comes to discrimination and harassment. I personally don't mind it, since I'm used to being harassed for being the "emo" kid. Of course it will be worse when I come out. But I'm in the GSA at my school, so hopefully that will take some sting away.

My girlfriend is a year younger than me, so she's still in middle school. I'd probably have to wait to come and make us public until next year.
Jez123's avatar
I wish you the best with all that, then. It sounds to me like it'll probably be rough, but nothing you can't handle(: And dang, you're lucky your school has a GSA! What kinda stuff do you guys do? :D

Is she out yet?(:
TheAmericanAverage's avatar
Kind of. She came out years ago, but no one really took her seriously. They judged that by the fact she didn't have a girlfriend.

And we only meet once every other week, so we don't get to do too much. And I was bad and missed a lot of meetings :( But we've discussed important issues such as the recent suicides, and what time we think is the best time to come out. We promote all the different awareness days in the school, and on Nation Coming Out Day, we handed out rainbow awareness ribbons we made ourselves(:

I wish you the best of luck as well :3
Jez123's avatar
Seriously? Dude, a girl doesn't need to have a girlfriend to be into girls. People are stupid ):

Well i think you guys got a good little thing goin on there(: as long as you're happy with each other, and neither of you mind that you guys are in the closet, well, i think everything should be damn a-okay(: