fanchielover15's avatar

if your talking about shuyin...he's a guy...

Heather? she's my best friend!

I'm at her house right now, while she is entertained (somehow) by watching Bambi.... :laughing:

so what do you mean?
Necron91's avatar
i thought u two were at each other's throats.....
fanchielover15's avatar
umm...we are best friends...friends always have friend trouble sometimes. We made up and we are friends again...but if you are really curious...ask her!
By the way, I like your designs! cool!
Necron91's avatar
ty, i'm confused now, she said that you two went separate ways....... i guess i missed something....
fanchielover15's avatar
we go to the same shcool so we have plenty of time to set things straight...we don't say everything on dev art...

we are friends...for now...if things get rough again, I'm sure she'll tell ya!