Comment on Freedom by AMWeitz

IAmSniper007's avatar
"Not power, not a force, not even the air racing through your fingers."

I always get excited when I see that you've posted something. Your pieces are always so wonderful, and have such meaning behind them. :heart:
AMWeitz's avatar
...I...I don't know what to say. You honor me with such a comment! My goodness. Thank you, and I mean that with all my heart. It's things like this and wonderful people like you that assure me that I'm not wasting my time by writing. Thank you thank you thank you. :heart:

And happy belated new year as well! :party:
IAmSniper007's avatar
I hope you never feel like you're wasting your time. I can only speak on behalf of myself, but your writing is inspiring. :heart:

And a happy new year to you, too, darling! :w00t: