ebonypen's avatar
I like the charcoal, actually :D
Isn't Council Rock from the Jungle Book?
rschuch's avatar
Yes. I wrote a brief explanation on the other one I did without the charcoal (:thumb196701074:) and didn't want to repeat myself.

Glad to find another Kipling fan! Now I just need to do the Just So Stories, Kim and Puck!
ebonypen's avatar
Oh yeah, I didn't see that other one, (that one wasn't in my inbox.) And yes, I am a fan of Kipling's :) Did you know he was not only a writer, but a songwriter too?
rschuch's avatar
I had no idea. "Smoke on the Water"?
ebonypen's avatar
Yeah, they were like lyrics to hymns and stuff though. I don't think his songs are nearly as famous as his writing