vick330's avatar
Nice rendition of that scene :) Dren was such a complex character, and understandably enough it was looking for trouble to take away from her the only friend she had.
JohannesVIII's avatar
Thank you very much!
I was shocked to discover how many people, at least on Youtube, consider Dren as a horrible monster while the movie tries to tell the exact opposite (well at least until she becomes a "he").
vick330's avatar
Personally I see the movie as a fable about ethics in science, and that research subjects are living beings who have feelings and can suffer. In all this Dren was like a child, uncomprehending why she was forbidden a little freedom. It sure made me think and it still does.
JohannesVIII's avatar
That's a very interesting point of view, I didn't really thought about the research subjects.
vick330's avatar
I was thinking about the chimpanzees used for AIDS research, they were abandoned after the trials were over. Splice makes the point that having the means to do something doesn't make it right. As a species we have a lot of knowledge, but not the wisdom to use it.