Comment on Art Book 13 by Frohickey

Kirok-of-LStok's avatar
The words that spring to mind are solid and substantial: this is piece of art that encompasses art! Like Leonardo's notebooks, you expect to pull it down from the shelf of some medieval library and wonder at what is locked within! Thought-provoking.

Frohickey's avatar
Are you sure you're talking about something _I_ made? That's pretty high praise for something made from strips of cardboard and scraps of leather.
Kirok-of-LStok's avatar
LOL! I was in a Raiders of the Lost Ark mood!

When you said you were going to paste artwork into it, it made me think of art-within-art. Most of my originals are floating around on my desk getting dog-eared, so a collection where you have put thought into the design of the "container" enhances the whole thing.

Your album design strikes me as vaguely medieval with the strap, buckle and ties and the rustic latticework complements that. The fact that it uses cheap and found material doesn't 'devalue' the design, if anything it makes it more cleverly done!

The hard copy publishing industry is only going to survive by delivering something that cannot be delivered digitally as an eBook and this is where a smart designer can turn a book into a collectable, something that a fan will want on their bookshelf.


Frohickey's avatar
Thank you. I like detailing and creating a faux finish to these pieces. When each book is filled, _it_ becomes the finished art in itself. The most recent one that I'm working on uses mosaic tiles in its detail.