ersatz-moon's avatar
cool. what do you do in college and in the one academy? like do you practice basic skills, or creation, or what?
rynisyou's avatar
In the first year we do basic things like life drawing (fruits, other items, mannequins), perspective, figure studies and a bunch of other fundamental studies. We also learn a little bit of design. Second year is a mix of the above and imagination drawings. And final year is mostly imagination drawings like character designs, storyboarding, etc.

Did that even make any sense lol
ersatz-moon's avatar
yeah! thanks so much! haha, so you did lots of fundamentals in college! that's helpful, because now I won't feel lost my way because all I do is forced to draw pots and pans and statue noses and stuff lol. do you think famous old oil painters ever did this stuff?
rynisyou's avatar
I think most of them do. If you looked at their sketchbooks they had lots of pencil sketches and even thumbnails before they started a painting. It might be boring as hell lol, but it does help :d