veemon-tamer's avatar
Yup. I pretty much made this variation of him for the comic. I just started drawing more pages now that I am out of school and got some personal stuff taken care of. He will be in it! I can't wait to get to his chapter. 
kingveemon's avatar
Great,great and i do like your comic.The Protagonist feels like a badass!
veemon-tamer's avatar
Awesome! Happy you feel that way from the small amount of pages I have so far. Everyone in the story will be badass in their own way! Can't wait till V-mon makes an appearance. 
kingveemon's avatar
Take your time.Oichiro Oda does and look how well he does hehehe.

Only halfway trough the story...which is already over ten years long.....

Will i be watching One piece as a 28 year old?