DrGengar's avatar
yea same ugh!!! men lol how lazy they can be and send us out onto their missions huh XD
RyoLovesMe's avatar
Got that right! But if it's a very dangerous mission they think we can handle, like this one, I am so dragging them with us by their ears! They are going to help out whether they like it or not! Teachers must always help the student!
Ray being pulled by his ear, "ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Alright, alright! We'll go with you!"
Peter sighs, "fine! If we must!"
Egon, "well, they may need our help if this is a very dangerous creature."
Winston, "I'll just wait right here for ya."
The other three Ghostbusters go up to him and both Ray and Peter pull on his ears to get him walking toward the building, Egon helps by pushing him on the shoulders so he wouldn't escape.
DrGengar's avatar
lolz XD that be funny to watch rite?? i mean cmon u gotta admit that be funny!!!
RyoLovesMe's avatar
DrGengar's avatar
indeed XD then our expression = priceless XD
DrGengar's avatar
lolz now if we r gonna write a fanfic based off of this idea... how r we gonna write it??