Comment on Rose's Necklace by Abboz

RavenWhitecastle's avatar
Reminds me of the one I have. I have two red hearts, a key, and a wing for "my lonely angel." I wear it every day without fail.
Abboz's avatar
Aww cute! Isn't it Reinette that calls him "my lonely angel"? Or something close anyway (grr not hers at all but Rose's) I can see why you included that though, I just tend to think he's not lonely when he's got Rose. I still wear mine every day (or almost every day unless I forget to put anything on or it's a REALLY special occasion), I adore it so much, like a constant reminder of a character and pairing I completely adore and love writing & drawing.
RavenWhitecastle's avatar
But he doesn't REALLY have Rose, because she's trapped in a parallel universe, and in the end, who does he have? He doesn't get anything but two broken hearts and no thanks. As Rose says in "Fear Her," and I quote, "Who's gonna hold his hand now?" I wear my necklace just as I reminder that he's a hero and needs somebody to love him. I ALWAYS wear it, except for special occasions. No offense, but I NEVER forget to put it on!!! It's too important to me. Anyways, WHOVIANS UNITE! :P (And yes, it is Reinette that calls him the angel, which is kind of my new nickname for the Tenth. And personally, I just love the wing!)
Abboz's avatar
Well at that point yes he does have Rose, that's my point, don't need to get all offensive about it. You can believe what you like but I thoroughly believe that the blue-suited Doctor on the beach in Journey's End is her two hearted Doctor, I believe he gets that happiness and love like he deserves so slate me for that if you like. All I was saying was that when Reinette buts in and pretends she knows him expertly and calls him a "lonely angel" she doesn't know him anywhere near enough to know that he's not lonely AT THAT POINT, yes he's been lonely practically his whole life - even when he's travelling with people - and yes he will be lonely again after Doomsday - but at that point when he has Rose and he's completely in love with her he's not lonely, just hiding in his mind what she means to him to protect her from those that might use her against him.

P.s. saying "no offense" before something doesn't make it not offensive.
RavenWhitecastle's avatar
Right. Sorry about the whole "not forgetting/no offense" thing. I'm just a bit addicted is all. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I see your point now, yes, he does have Rose, but keep in mind that Reinette stepped back through the door in HIS mind to see all the loneliness that he's been through before, which is nine hundred years, give or take a couple months. So, she didn't see that he was absolutely in love with Rose (she probably ignored it because she loves the Doctor and she wants the Doctor to love her back, instead of loving Rose), and that was why she called him the lonely angel. And, in Journey's End, the blue-suited Doctor is a memory. He says "That's me when we first met." By the time "Journey's End" finally rolls around, they've been through so much together, been with each other for so long, and it's not REALLY him. So the metacrisis Doctor isn't REALLY the Doctor at all, and he loses Rose for a second time. I'm not trying to slate you, I just believe that the real Doctor DOESN'T get all the love and happiness he deserves, the METACRISIS does. Oh... Look at us, bickering like Sarah Jane and Rose in "School Reunion." :) (Love that episode.) I suppose every one of us Whovians has a different outlook on the whole Rose/Doctor/Metacrisis thing, don't we? I guess I just like to believe that he's lonely and that he needs someone, because I want that someone to be me.
Abboz's avatar
I never said Reinette was wrong for saying that, and it's not that important that she saw in his mind - (a) she didn't see much because he withdrew (b) she would have only seen what he leaves on the surface, the kind of stuff he's okay with anyone with telepathy etc seeing. The universe sees him as lonely so it's easier and also safer for Rose to let them believe that. As I said before the Doctor hides Rose's importance to him in his mind - like he says to Reinette to block anything behind a door he does that. As for the metacrisis I said "don't slate me" because it's my head canon that the Doctor switched places with him - i've written about it and everything - hate on me for that if you like but I can't understand why you would want him to be lonely, not when he deserves that life of love and happiness. Also I assure you i'm NOT bickering at all, and it's nothing like that episode.
RavenWhitecastle's avatar
HA, not bickering. Wow. Okay, so you wrote your fanfic that he switched. But I don't see how it was possible. And I'm sure up to 50% of the Whovian population would beg to differ, if not more. I suppose you're right on what he left on the surface, but he didn't count on Reinette getting inside his head. WHY do you think he withdrew? Because he wanted her out. She wasn't supposed to see any of that. No one is. Also, I thought I made it clear the first time why I want him to be lonely, and if you didn't get it, go back and read it again. If I should add to that, I'd say it's because it's part of his character, who he is. He wouldn't BE the Doctor if he wasn't lonely.
Abboz's avatar
If you have such a problem then get off my page. I don't care about what "the Whovian population" think because that 50% you're talking about are probably largely the ones that started by watching series 5 in the first place. I could give you a tonne of reasons why he would switch and how he could have but I'm not wasting that time on someone who's going to be so horrible about it. I never said you had to agree, nor did I say you were wrong to believe what you want to. As for Reinette he withdraws because she was working towards trying to find out his name "it's more than just a secret isn't it?" believe me I watched this episode the other day. Maybe no one is meant to see inside his head that he doesn't want there BUT you can guarantee that he would expect some aliens with telepathy (or even just technology that can do that) to try and get inside his head one in a while so I still maintain that he would have the most important things blocked up in his head so it would take a real effort to get to them - also remember that his go to mechanism of defence is to close himself off, it takes a long time for him to grow out of habits that old. I didn't say that I didn't understand what you gave as a reason for wanting him to be lonely, I meant that PERSONALLY I can't understand why anyone would want him to be lonely. As for "he wouldn't BE the Doctor if he wasn't lonely" I think it's more that he wouldn't be the Doctor if he hadn't been lonely - it's not a current state of mind that defines exactly who you are.

But actually you see none of that is really important here, in fact a huge problem with Whovians - to the extent where I don't want to be titled as one - is that they have such a problem with letting others believe what they like - ultimately most of the Doctor's past is unknown and no one particularly knows what goes on in his head (or any of the other character's heads) it's all subject to opinion and how people view it themselves. Also a lot about Gallifrey & Time Lords is unknown or has conflicting sources so the kind of life he lived there is also very subject to a writer's ideas. I can't tell you what to think or believe but I also have no intention of trying. A fandom should be about appreciating what is brilliant about the show - past or present - NOT about fighting amongst us and hating everyone that thinks different. Some people love series 5 & 6 but I don't, doesn't mean I spend my life hating on them for loving that, and so what if I can't let go of something that's so beautiful it has saved my life? Learn to let other people believe what they like instead of forcing your opinion on everyone else. I'm done here.