Devilish-Motives's avatar
You know, I've been reading some reviews, and I'm feeling sorry for Tes, I understand her behaviour. I guess some readers just don't care for Tes' situation, because if they could picture how she felt on that moment, about Nelix, and about Heather, I bet they wouldn't write the things they have writen : (
I truly feel sorry or Tes...
H-Falcon's avatar
Agreed (See my other response for more detail on the matter)
Rachelevans1013's avatar
I don't hate her. I was just saying my protective/ gut reaction thing was to attack her for kissing Neelix. Like just about everybody, character and reader, I feel protective off Heather :)
Devilish-Motives's avatar
x) I was not saying others hate her, but just focus on Neelix and Heather and their relationship, and when a character like Tes appears and does something that interfers with them, peope just... I don't know, they may think she's the "bad guy" or something.
[sorry if I ofended you, or any other reader, it wasn't my intention :(]
Rachelevans1013's avatar
no, I'm not offended at all... I thought I'd come off like I hated her, lol. Yes, she's been given the short end of the stick in a lot of ways, and that could wear on a person.

My visceral, immediate reaction to her kissing Neelix was to deck her. It's the protector in me i guess:)

If I were her, tho, and Neelix started bringing this attractive girl along with him, and seeing them together, tho he's not overt at work, I never would have kissed him in a million years. I'd find out first WTF was going on before even considering doing something like that...I guess she was in a pretty emotional state, eh? :)
Devilish-Motives's avatar
Yes, she was, I bet. Like you said, if it were you, you would try to find out WTF was going on, but Tes kissed him: I bet she loved him truly, and was jealous of Heather and the attention Neelix was giving to her. :)
Rachelevans1013's avatar
ya, that sounds like a safe bet fer sher.
H-Falcon's avatar
Yes. This definitely tends to be the case. Anytime anyone seems to "intrude" on anything between Heather and Neelix they are immediately looked at as bad,jerk,asshole, etc. Just look at Gale. The first reaction to him was shit like he was a creeper or a high school asshole. (lol not direct quotes.) Now everyone is seeing he might not be such a bad guy and is all more understanding and liking him. You think this might "help" for the readers not to judge a new character right away again under similar circumstances but alas... this seems to not be the case... Oh well. It's human nature... we react instinctively, and rashly until we stop to think about things or better reflect on them. Everyone is guilty of that.
Devilish-Motives's avatar
Sometimes it would be good for us to be more alien-like 8D
Devilish-Motives's avatar
Uuhhhh, it's gonna be good!!!! 8D