Comment on Rarity papercraft by Kna

Please put a link up for how to do the hair!~ She's my favourite and I'm stuck with the hair. :(
Kna's avatar
is is easy: just put glue on one side and attach to the other! while it dries, comb and roll it until you like the shape (you can use as a guide the picture of rarity in the papercraft, i did that.)
also i used strong glue and pasted sections of her hair to her chin...see the finished photo for more clues. also,you can ask particular questions here, i will try to answer the best i can.
Okay, thanks but I accidently glued the hair on and I forgot the ears! Now, I have to do the head again... Well, better start! >:(
Kna's avatar
the same happens to me all the time XD i usally glue the front hair twisted and have to unglue it carefully