BK1VGKid's avatar
I'm sorry i'm sure you worked hard on this but there's alot of things wrong with it. 1st the eyes which you seemed to know already are slanted? and the eye brow's also don't slant the same i know that's hard since i can't do it but they aren't even close to how each is slanted. You also have a wrinkle under one right eye brow but not the other which isn't possible anyway since its touch the eye almost. The nose kinda bothers me that black spot doesn't belong there no matter what dark place he is at (which doesn't seem like it since his flames give out its own light) shouldn't be there.Then there's the mouth its to big. its way to big no normal person can open there mouth like that even Rin. His K-9's are also to small they are real tiny.

His ears are also wrong they aren't long enough Rin's ears are longer then that in the anime and manga sucks how long they are but that's how it is they also aren't going the same direction. the right is upfront and going outwards which is close but not it its mostly pointing outwards and everything like real ears go. The Left one is going backwards and is to small its suppose to with him turning his head any everything but its still not right.

His arms are also wrong the right arm i to small they are longer then that and from bicep to forearm they are the same length and these aren't. His and is also to big they look like the hand of a big grown man which Rin is not. his other arm is also to short and usually they are on the hip if he was holding it like. Well i would it being right there near my neck and all.

And lastly his flames just pretty much look at references of flames, or even screenshots from the anime. The outer area of the flame is a dark blue, and towards the middl of the flame, it fades into a light blue, the flicks of flames don't look like wisps of hair, they should look like they're fading , like puffs of smoke. I hope that helps for next time.
BK1VGKid's avatar
oh my bad about the ears being longer then the right one i got it mixed up with when Rin goes crazy and his ears get crazy long. my bad
MelodyMoore's avatar
There's a difference between ranting and a thoughtful critique. I'm sure you didn't mean to sound quite so rude, but that is how it appears. I saw this happen quite a lot in the university freshmen level art critiques, but they tended to disappear by the sophomore and senior years. So perhaps it's just something that comes with age and experience. Here's a list to help you in the meantime.

1. You do not have to be a talented artist to critique someone's work, but please know what you're talking about. An uneducated critique will sound ignorant and childish. I think you did well in this area by giving examples as to how to correct certain areas. It is the next two parts that you seem to have trouble with.

2. You do not have to like the artwork you're critiquing, but there is no excuse for rudeness and bad manners. You SHOULD NOT make a simple list of everything you think they are doing wrong, and then post it on their picture. This is bad etiquette. Critiques should contain a balance of things you believe they are doing successfully, along with some things you think can be improves upon. The balance is very important. So, by this definition, you did not provide a critique. You provided a rant.

3. There is no need for a thorough critique if the artist does not ask for one. This should be more common sense than anything. Maybe the artist knows what needs work but simply does not have the time to work on it anymore. Pointing out what they already know will only dishearten them in future work, aka: it's not helpful at all. By posting your rant (which was uncalled for) you did only harm to the artist, and to your reputation.

I hope you take some of this list to heart, and it will help you in your future attempts of being a respected colleague in the art world.
BK1VGKid's avatar
Yeah i know and thanks for the info(am saving it for next time if i ever do it again) a friend did tell me what i did wrong and what i said was not at all helpful. I'm mostly hard on myself so it was purely accidental. I know i don't need to be talented to provide critique the one that said that i needed to be talented was her sister who's note i'm just ignoring.

Yeah I won't do it again. I don't do critique and i had forgotten all about putting the good points and examples and ect. My fault.
MelodyMoore's avatar
I'm glad. It takes a lot of maturity to accept when you've made a mistake and to work on the issue in the future. I hope the artist will feel a little better knowing it wasn't anything personal, just inexperience with critiquing.
BK1VGKid's avatar
If did something wrong and feel guilty about it i'd like to apologize for it. I hope she does too.