Voltex12345's avatar
oh... i had a feeling it would be random defenders getting into other people's busyness...
Ms-CoffeePixie's avatar
I..was giving you the definition of a word..
You're just...
You're retarded or something.
Voltex12345's avatar
no i was just making a joke :<
and don't you know that meme?
"leave Britney alone?" XD

anyway, we're all friends here, peace and love
Ms-CoffeePixie's avatar
I have not..I'm sorry ^^;. I guess I got a little out of control.
It's just, I normally go to bed really early, and I was up later and have been stressed about a lot of stuff as well.
I definitely should not have taken it out on you..
Sorry again ><.
Voltex12345's avatar
as i said sis :3
peace and love

but seriously, you never heard of "leave Britney alone?" XD
it's a hilarious meme

kinda old...

but no heart feelings :D
and thanks for the definition
Yinno's avatar
I don't think this person was trying to insult you, I think they were just commenting on the link you gave, and following it up with a joke about Chris Crocker. (The Brittney Spears White Knight)