Belazikkal's avatar
I am sort of wondering why you like them so much? you might've said, but with my schedule being what it is, I have forgotten if you did.
Olivier2302's avatar
i like them because of th eindustrial-idea they represent.... and militaristic of course. i mean have you seen the movie about the russin sniper in stalingrad? has war, and industrial debris, factories... perfect spot for a sniper tho.. and i also liek them because they dont like mutants, exept oblits, meaning they arent that heresy(i havent read anything about them so i dont know if they are the greatest fan of the heresy..) and i dont know..3 factions of the CSM appeal to me.. the alpha, thousan sons, and them.(and yes i painted black legion because i had abbadon so i wanted a uniformal army)
Belazikkal's avatar
Good source of info on IWs: [link]

And, than you. I love the cogwheel and hazard stripe theme! :meow:
Olivier2302's avatar
yep that too... reminds me off the crime scen or the nuclear expirements signs..