Wazaga's avatar
that is not how you knock an arrow to the bow string. I should know. I'm an ex Robin Hood fanatic. yes, ma'am.

still, that is an awesome pic, it makes me want to reread the Ranger's Apprentice... AGAIN! (read the series 3 times now)
MegSyv's avatar
Oh, oops! You'll have to tell me what I did wrong - I am woefully ignorant of proper arrow drawing procedures. Is it on the wrong side?
Wazaga's avatar
no. it's the fingers you used. idiots yous their thumb and pointer fingers. pros yous their pointer and middle fingers with the arrow butt resting between them.
MegSyv's avatar
WHOOPS. Now I want to fix that before I mail the print to you. XP
Huh. Didn't even notice that. You are certainly right, it should be the index and middle fingers. Remember that from the shortbow I had as a kid.