Layalas's avatar
Aw ~ some of those pictures are so pretty <3

Lets see ~ the thing that gives me peace is...

knowing, that no matter how horrible a day it may have been for me, no matter how lonely I felt at school, or how annoyed I got at something or how much stress raised voices with my parents puts me under, I can always go back up to my room, turn on my computer and my best friend will always be there to talk and say anything in the world and it will always 100% of the time make me smile. It doesn't even matter we hardly ever see each other in person anymore, we still have ways to talk and enjoy the company. Things like listening to music and drawing odd little bits of artwork for my own personal amusement will forever come very much second to my conversations with her <3

I am thus, thoroughly content with everything else in the world 99% of the time because it's something I can always look forward to.

I do hope everyone else has something they can deem as a personal peace as well ^ - ^