i thought i recognized a fellow atomic rocketeer. your work is awe inspiring my brother. george
SMPritchard's avatar
Thanks! His site has been extremely helpful in my designs. Plus, it's refreshing to see spaceships that have a little though and real science put into them, rather than the ships of modern sci-fi that look suspiciously like airplanes or Navy ships retrofitted for space travel. Part of my goal with this work is to promote this kind of hard SF that can inspire people to learn about the real science and technologies that will one day carry us to the planets and, one day, the stars. It's also why I want to become an astronaut, after earning my degrees in planetary geology and astrobiology. So not only am I a huge SF nerd, I'm also a huge science nerd too. :P
SpaceInquiries's avatar
wait really? I think you have my dream life. Where are you with schooling these days? I am an Astronomy undergrad, but if I had gotten into a school which offered it, I would definitely be doing planetary science. If I can keep my grades up, I hope I can transfer to a graduate school.