Ricky-Roo302's avatar
....and a HUGE HIGH-FIVE to the girl from New Zealand---the first to catch on to my (apparently) obtuse idea of humor. I can always count on you to take me to task for my awful puns, Rowan, and I wouldn't have it any other way...

...it seems to me that people often don't get my jokes because they don't SOUND like jokes, and because I write them as though I am writing a serious sentence and so they aren't looking for (or expecting) humor. I thought I set it up the gag pretty well, but it would seem that because the sentence SOUNDS serious, it is TAKEN seriously.

...oh, well....the people that count (HEY THERE, Z-LAND!!!) get it, and that works for me....
walnutangel's avatar
Yeah! It took me a while though...
wanted-dedore-alive's avatar
:D I am sadly proud to say I got it straight away. I think it's because my mind is on permanent pun mode, which isn't always a good thing.....
DarthFar's avatar
I'll agree with the person above: your puns *are* truly awful. But that groan-worthy quality is also what makes them good. In a bad way. :rofl:

And this journal entry was truly awful!