Comment on The Aftermath by Yamino

September-Oreo-Thief's avatar
The "Other" option should never be removed as I believe that if you or I are on the internet we should be free to show the world what we wish to show and also be free to conceal what we want concealed. We can be as anonymous as we want to be.
Do we really "need" to know the gender of the individual who's gallery we are looking at? Do we really need to know which country/state/city or town they live in?
Are we free to share it if we wish?
Would I look into a gallery of a transgendered individual, knowingly?
Yes, especially if the thumbnails on their main page interest me.
Would I be upset if I discovered an artist isn't the individual I perceived in my mind's eye?
I may be surprised, then I'll wonder what led me to believe how I arrived at my earlier perceptions...
You fought a good fight for what to me is obviously right. Thank you.