Technomaru's avatar
Ok, this bothered me ever since I saw "Homer Scissorhands" but Taffy breaks up with Milhouse because she thinks that Milhouse is still in love with Lisa just because Lisa stalked them? WTF!!! I mean there isn’t a single scene, nor even a single line of dialogue, where Milhouse shows himself to still be in love with Lisa, he never mentions her in front of Taffy and he doesn’t even let out a swooning sigh when Lisa intrudes on them at the end. Just what is wrong with Taffy? I'm guessing Taffy really is so thinly conceived and her story so flat that she’s only in three scenes... and they couldn't even spell her voice actress' name right. But seriously she breaks up with Milhouse just because Lisa stalked them...EXPLAIN EPISODE, EXPLAIN!
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Thelittlefairy95's avatar
You're right, the episode wasn't very accurate (because the main plot focused on Homer who is an hairdresser). The purpose of Taffy's character was just to push Lisa to show her hidden feelings for Milhouse, regardless of whether the boy still loved her or not.

However, according to my opinion, he still felt something for Lisa. maybe that feeling would go away if Taffy had not broken up with him. But I noticed that when Taffy has left him, he didn't try to win her back somehow, he was quite intrigued to find out why Lisa was following him.

But yes, the episode needs to explain...