Droemar's avatar
I understand that. But for what it's worth, I was pretty envious of the improvements in your artwork as a result of the rigor. So take it as a learning experience, not something that was a waste of time or something to be ashamed of. (I say that because I sometimes feel that way about my older stuff.) Because it definitely wasn't. I want to do a dolphin Watership Down someday, seriously.
Weirdo fan communities aside. Dolphaboos?
Nikaleles's avatar
Aw, thank you! I do consider it a learning experience. I value the project and what it did for me, and I feel it had POTENTIAL. But posting it online seems to have put me in a bad spot with some people.

I think the last kind of people I want hanging around me are dolphin people. They and I simply do not get along. A lot of them are obsessive and that makes me feel ... well, uncomfortable. They're very serious and cutthroat about it, too :O To be honest, I don't like associating with the majority of them. Not that they're bad people... I just don't mesh well with them.

But yes, that's one of the reasons I'm moving on to non-dolphin stuff. Maybe one day I will revisit Zenny, though :D I worked too hard on the story to let it rot forever.
Droemar's avatar
Just out of curiosity, obsessive how? Like "ZOMG DOLPHINS'R ALL DYEING AND IF U DON'T CAR THAN UR AN ASSHOLE!!"
Nikaleles's avatar
Pretty much just like that. Also most of their galleries are filled with NOTHING but dolphin drawings (sometimes SEXUAL ONES x_x) and nothing but dolphin photos, and their journals have nothing to do with anything but dolphins... and that sort of one-track behaviour, for some reason, makes me more than a little uncomfortable. Goddamn, apparently they spend their evenings debating for/against orca captivity on forums and people who don't fit into either side are publicly lampooned.

I've met a disturbing number of them who are highly opinionated, arrogant, and obsessed with sexuality. I steer clear of those ones entirely.

Prior to popular belief, I'm not a huge fan of dolphins - just the Ecco games. I took to teasing people about their obsessiveness once but they'd sort of forgotten it was a joke and came out for my blood... so that's over with!