IntroducingEmy's avatar
Yeah I guess it's pretty neat. :meow: I've never really thought about it before. lol
Vanshira's avatar
Honestly, I slightly envy it. It's like the world as you perceive it is just a little bit richer than the world as most people perceive it.
IntroducingEmy's avatar
I think everyone perceives the world in unique and interesting ways. I just think this version has a label. X3 lol If you're interested, this is the documentary I saw when I realized I had it: [link]=DvwTSEwVBfc For some folks it's not such a blessing since it can limit what they do.
Vanshira's avatar
(Your link. It is broken. D: )

Yeah...I first heard about it in a magazine article...there was a story in there about one woman who blew a job interview for a position she really wanted because the interviewer's voice looked like massive lumps of wet coal, and she just couldn't stand talking to her. Definitely not a blessing in that case.
IntroducingEmy's avatar
[link]=DvwTSEwVBfc <--- You'll have to copy paste that whole thing since DA is being a buttface and turning it into a smiley face.
Vanshira's avatar
All right. Now I got it to cooperate.