Koto-Firetail's avatar
Heres a story!!
:icondragontired: Silvyy is sleeping...When Ebby comes along and throws something at him. :icondragonawakeplz: He wakes up, then goes back to sleep.
Ebby wakes him up again. Silvvy sees Ebby :icondragonhuh1: Then once again, goes back to sleep.
Ebby wakes him up one more time, and the first thing Silvvy sees is :icondragongrin:
:icondragonshock1: Silvvy jumps up, surpized. Then he starts to freak out. :icondragonyell:
Silvvy starts to cry :icondragoncryingplz: "You scared me..."
"Aww, I'm sorry, lil' bro." Ebby trys to calm him down :icondragonpet1:
Then, :icondragonpet2: Ebby starts to laugh.
Silvvy gets up. Ebby goes to the kitchen, and Silvvy follows, and starts to get hungry.
:icondragonpokeplz: "Big brother! Ebby! Hey! Big bro!"
"can I have some cake?"
Ebby turns away from his brother. :icondragonhehe: "Sure."
So, he gets it for Silvvy. :icondragoncake1:
Silvvy wipes the cake off his face. Then, goes into mild depression :icondragondepressed:
"Silvvy? I'm sorry," Ebby says, still stiffling his laughter. Ebby walks away from Silvvy.
So, Silvvy looks up. "H-hey, Ebby!"
Ebby turns and, :icondragonglomp: Silvvy tackles him.
Then Silvvy hugs him. :icondragonhug:
"Let GO!" Ebby yells.
"okay!" Silvvy lets go of his older brother, then picks him up and starts to twirl. :icondragonspin1::icondragonspin2:
"Weeee~!!!" Silvvy cries happily, then puts him down.
The ebony dragon tries to stay on his feet, but is still dizzy. :icondragoncollapse:
Then, he shoots back up. :icondragonmad2: "SILVVY!!!!!
The silver dragon turns. "Y-yes?"
:icondragonfierce: "Don't ever do that, AGAIN!!!"
:icondragonweep: "I'm sorry, big brother..."
Ebby nods :icondragonnod2: and walks past Silvvy. A mosquieo buzzes past and lands on Silvvy's head.
:icondragonmos: Ebby smacks him and runs, leaving Silvvy dizzy. :icondragondizzy:

The End~
Hope you liked~~
((Sorry the dragonspin is like that))
Grumpy-Goose's avatar
Good use of icons. ;P
x-Ci-Ci-x's avatar
that is so cute! :icondragontail3plz: