Raven207b's avatar
Joe has KH2....he's not set it down since we got it Saturday. But he's home 'sick' from school today, so his copy is safely stashed in my lunch box today! :evillaugh:
Shironotenshi's avatar
Oooooooh! Its the "Oh mom I feel so sick *cough cough*" trick ;) Dun blame him. I prolly would try that trick myself if I wasn't so afraid of missing anymore classes. I'm DOOOMED if I miss anymore math. Unfortunaly sometimes I do have to responsible. (The world just exploded) Mean trick stashing it in you lunch totey. :XD: He's prolly bored to tears now.

Hahahah. My parents always made my sick days even less enjoyable then normal. Some sort of motivation to get better faster. My Da would always stay home from work and either make me clean till I toss my cookies or drag me upstairs and make me watch horror movies. o,@ I hate horror movie.
Raven207b's avatar
I just torment him! He said I could take his game...he really just wanted to catch up on sleep since he's had insomnia the last few days. He took his SAT on Saturday, and went to church yesterday, so hasn't caught up yet.
Shironotenshi's avatar
The SAT?... @,@ That'll kill ya, yup.
Raven207b's avatar
He's barely alive after that one....^^;