MsRiachuD's avatar
Ok...? Why ? So people get bullied for being fat. But are there proud fat people ? No I don't think so. Except those reallly fat people claiming to "beat anorexia".
I don't really know. It's mainly because the LGBT group had to fight for so long to get justice and non-straight people are bullied and kicked out of their homes a lot. Just because that doesn't happen to many straight people, heterosexual pride is automatically said to be 'homophobic' and they have nothing to be proud of because heterosexual pride is everywhere, everyday. That's a bit hypocritical, I thought the LGBT wanted equality, but not to be specially treated. Of course their spreading awareness saying that it's okay to be gay, but it's getting a little too much now.
MsRiachuD's avatar
Ok, I think it's ok for people to be proud but prancing it around everywhere isn't going to help, it'll only get you in the news if there isn't anything else important happening.
Indeed. I really can't stand it when people flaunt it everywhere, I saw someone with "i'm bi, deal with it!" in their signature. I immediately thought "I don't care, deal with it."
MsRiachuD's avatar
I don;t get how people always want you to deal with their shit, but you never asked about it.