SporeRedland's avatar
Is it a giant species of bird or a very small race of people?  I am leaning toward the latter because of her bare feet.  You often see that with minuscule peoples in fairy tales, or with fairies for that matter.
CruiseControlGamer's avatar
well; considering the size of the person's  ears, I'd say it is a human, now if it were a human fully grown,as it is female she'd be about 4'7"-6'1" tall, now if this is a giant bird I would say it is a Roc, now when hatched a Roc is the size of a fully grown adult human. Within minutes Rocs are capable of flight and hunting, when fully grown Rocs can pick up fully grown elephants. Judging by the bow and arrow I would say this is a Ranger, one of the only two classes in Pathfinder capable of having an animal companion (the other is Druid.) I know this cause this is somewhat like my character, except mine is an Elven female. Hope that helps you out :)
SporeRedland's avatar
Yes it does.  It seems like you've read the rulebook more than a few times.
CruiseControlGamer's avatar
you're welcome, I had the website open up I was studying it to gain more knowledge about the game I find it a lot more fun than D&D, if you want info here is the site's link: www.d20pfsrd.com/
SporeRedland's avatar
Thank you, but I already know about Pathfinder.  It has great online resources.  :)
CruiseControlGamer's avatar
that it does, and yeah I do some extensive research to determine how well my party can handle specific fights such as a werewolf and such things like that.
SporeRedland's avatar
I recall my former roommate telling me once that his preparedness was the only thing that kept their party alive.  Apparently they had one guy who would flirt with literally any female-looking entity, and this got the team into multiple curses, rifts in reality, and other near death situations.  XD
CruiseControlGamer's avatar
haha, that must have sucked my friend Micahyu told me he was once on a party of six where he was the only fighter and everyone else was a cleric so he was the only one to be able to do damage then when he fell they didn't heal him so he would be a cleric too when he didn't want to
Mancomb-Seepwood's avatar
Supposedly, both. Small girl, big bird.
SporeRedland's avatar
That sounds like a recipe for misadventures.