tiamat9's avatar
You're welcome. It seems to working fine now. Sometimes the DA server which takes care of the deviation previews lags behind so what you see is a blank image. It happens a few times. You'll know it when you browse on DA and all you see are blank previews. I wouldn't worry about it though. Once the server is back on track, everything is back to normal. The full view mode always seems to work too.
jeffhoppdotnet's avatar
thanks for writting back. i reported the bug and the admins are aware of it. it happened once before....they must have some huge servers and it is quite remarkable that they work as well as they do.
tiamat9's avatar
You're welcome. The first time I saw it happen I was also curious what the problem was.
jeffhoppdotnet's avatar
good morning....we both must be up early today. got to get to work however.
tiamat9's avatar
Good morning to you too.