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Taylorista's avatar
"Though that experiment had not been very fruitful, Elle took comfort in knowing that she had broken several items that looked extremely expensive." Cute... this reminds me of my relationship SO much. All my friends say i'm sassy and have an "attitude" (which is there problem).. anyway XD my guy always smirks, and is confident , on the inside he is actually shy and kind. But he hides it well. Then I think he is ugly and arrogant, but then I see his long body form  and his chest tight in his shirt.. from the back.. and uhh ..., and he says he loves me then gets hurt when he thinks i don't love him back,  but of course hides it. He acts manly and it works because I cant stop liking him.. ug I hate it. When I think he is so dang arrogant ... rrrrr.. but then he just charms me with his smoothness... Ya its killing me. 
Taylorista's avatar
ahh when he says "how are you darling? ; ) " How do I ignore that.. I mean I want to.. but ..he is just so damn hot.  /: / "