rynnfox's avatar
Hey man, not cool. I think my writing is top-notch.
asking104's avatar
It's a different thing to think your writing is top-notch, and to have top-notch writing. If you practiced, I'm sure you could get better. From what is posted here, its not very good. The idea is one that everyone tries when they decide to interject themselves into an authors universe. They make a character, and God-mode it. Its not a very original idea, I can also point you too another bad piece of literature that takes and overused idea and does a bad job of using it, 'Twilight,' Its just not a very well written book. The plot is shallow, none of the characters fleshed out, and the author used something like 40 some synonyms for 'sparkling.' Once you can write better than that book, which shouldn't be too hard, you'll have a good sense of what's top-notch and whats not.
rynnfox's avatar
I think you're just jelly of my swag.

Rynnfox out, bitches.
asking104's avatar
Swag, in this way used as swagger, or to walk with an insolent air. May I direct you to look up the meaning of swag? I don't think that word means what you think it means. It's also Inconceivable that I should be "jelly" of your so-called "swag." Also it never fails, that when somebody is irritated, or they have grown up in a culture that condones the deterioration of the true meaning of words, you would end you post with "bitches," DO you know why people were originally using that word as an insult? It is because a 'bitch' is a female dog used for breeding, that was all they were good for. Thus by calling someone that, you were sating they were only good for breeding purposes. If this post makes you mad at anyway, I have one thing for you, "come at me bro."
rynnfox's avatar

But cool story bro.
asking104's avatar
You can't exactly say 'cool story bro' if you didnt actually read it. You only say that if you heard/read it and you completley did not car, the whole point of that saying
rynnfox's avatar
I read the first line and you sounded like a self-righteous brat with a dictionary so I did stop caring hence the 'cool story bro'. But to be honest -and I've been trying to get this point through to you here- I really REALLY do not give a f***. You seem to get that the story was badly written on purpose (or atleast I think you do, because if you don't you're an idiot. Seriously. Everyone else seemed to understand this and their comments are as sarcastic as the story.) to make fun of mary-sues. FYI I don't ACTUALLY write like that. So please, do everyone a favour and stop talking, you're trying to be a troll but you're looking like a ten year old.
asking104's avatar
Self-righteous brat, thats truly doth make me laugh. I may be self-righteous with high values, but I most certainly do not use a dictionary to sound more eloquent. I'm sorry, should I sound like I have never read a piece of literature, or ever gone to school? I would also love to be a 10 year old in this situation, for that would mean a 10 year old would have a better use of the english language than you. I understand that you purposely wrote it badly, but even if you are pursuing the course of satire, you do it badly.. I'm am merely stating my point of view that this is not art.
moni158's avatar
yeah don't listen to them...they are obviously jealous because they didn't come up with her first dessuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!111!11!!11!11!!!!ONE!!