Outbreak-II's avatar
I know it's an old comment, but it's always weird seeing/hearing someone say they don't agree with actual, verifiable facts - such as the fact that there is no negative impact on children raised  by same-sex couples vs. hetero ones, or the fact that plenty of kids have only one parent, or how not having a "normal" (read: standard straight/white/cis/Christian nuclear family) family has no impact on how kids turn out, or that sterile & elderly parents exist without people pulling the "they can't have kids!" card, or that same-sex couples have children all the time due to in-vitro, or that adoption exists...

How can someone disagree with reality? Isn't that delusion?
AtheosEmanon's avatar
Agreed, though I am amazed how fast the same sex argument has moved since ^ that comment in 2012 back then it was still being fought over in the states before the Obergefell v. Hodges case in 2015 legalized same-sex marriage all across the country.

some are just stuck in their views, be they religious, cultural etc