Comment on fast one by flaketom

MrJumpManV4's avatar
Your style is very easy to recognize, i was looking at this without looking at the author and thinking "this has to be flaketom, i wonder if some one used his tank parts to make this?"
flaketom's avatar
haha, yeah. Can't get out of my skin...Should probably diversify a bit.
MrJumpManV4's avatar
Yea your style seems very oriented around modern millitary vehicles and equipment, i would love to see you make something that is shiny and slick. I think it would be a real challenge and quite a twist to your normal style. also would be good to venture out of your comfort zone.
flaketom's avatar
Right about the comfort zone...hach. Any ideas for sleek and shiny stuff, as I am thinking more in boxes at the moment (that's why I am amazed by you're designs, cause I don't think i would be able to do this round/organic stuff)?
MrJumpManV4's avatar
I just remembered owe me a model because i won the contest (considering no one else entered of my knowledge)

and my request would be something slick and smooth, specifically a Dassault Rafale French fighter jet.

(if some one else entered or i read the rules incorrectly please correct me)
flaketom's avatar
there is at least another one who entered the contest (wow what a run...), so you'll probably have to wait till end of septemper till I do your Rafale...:d
MrJumpManV4's avatar
Aw dang =/
May you link me to the other entry? just so i know i'll win =p
flaketom's avatar
It's not yet finished, he still got till the 18th... so you'll nhave a few more nights without sleep cause of all the excitement.
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MrJumpManV4's avatar
Honestly i think your stuff looks more interesting and attractive because of all the effort and detail you put into it, your things also look very modular which i've always wanted to try (I took apart all the details of your turret and i was amazed because all that was left was a very simple shape) I'm not really the best at sleek, whenever i make something that's organic shapes i'd be very lucky to have it turn out as a good model.

I should take some of your details and add them to one of my mechs, i think that would looks siiiiiiick.

also last thing, the easiest way to make something "organic" is to use the push/pull/scale method (push pull and then scale one of the top surfaces and repeat the process) idk if you already knew that method but if you didn't it's very useful for me.
flaketom's avatar
A detailed mech of yours would look badass!

Push/pull/scale?! That's what I thought, but good to actually know. Thanks.
MrJumpManV4's avatar
Yea, I'd love to make a mech, but i would need a few of your models to get some of your lovely component details and such. I understand if you dont want to send me those pieces tho. However if you do send them to me i promise i will give you credit and won't use them for anything other than what you will allow.
flaketom's avatar
nah, got no problem with sharing. Here are already some links to some of the files. If you need anything else then just let me know and I'm gonna send you the files.
them files: [link]
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