KplKabbage's avatar
Wow... looks a lot like the British mark 1 tank!
Nergling's avatar
The model is a british mark 1 :) very good
KplKabbage's avatar
yep! i know my tanks! all you need for the opposing army is a German A7V!
Nergling's avatar
Ahh yes! I was going to get one of those but I prefer the almost gothic look of the mark 1! Infact this is the mark 1 tadpole which never got used, notice the longer track fins towards the rear for bridging large gaps :)
KplKabbage's avatar
Cool! I also remember that in WW1 conditions, they used 4x4 boards under the tracks so the tanks would have better grip! The only problem with that though is that they couldn't turn then.
Nergling's avatar
Haha yes, got to love that oldskool tech!
KplKabbage's avatar
Yep! Sometimes things of today need a little bit of oldskool too!
Nergling's avatar
Oh fo sho! Avengers springs to mind!
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