saganich's avatar
Panel 4 creeps me out with possibilities :omg:

Very strong story....and a nice slap-in-the-face to all the robo-pervs out there.
Kudos, gang!
kluyten's avatar
yeah what is that with all those sexing bots? i mean there's lots of real people to do that with, for example the baroness, daphne, yoko, there's choice enough ^^
saganich's avatar
hehheh, yes

I don't get it as well, really...I know of places where it's much better to put it than in some bot's cyber-lubricated exhaust port :)

Trust me, I kad no idea that kind of fetish even existed before I joined this site.
Hell, before dA I didn't think the world was half as $#")ed-up as it (evidently) is...
kluyten's avatar
Tf-SeedsOfDeception's avatar
Another thing that has Jhiaxus behind! Is he the precursor of everything bad ever created? :D
saganich's avatar
In real-life too?!

He invented the terrorists! :la:
Tf-SeedsOfDeception's avatar

And financial sharks as well!