silverava's avatar
I actually feel like there are many different art blocks with different reasonings and a different solution to each one. I agree that it helps to stop drawing for some art blocks (caused by fatigue or similar), but for others, such as one I am in now, they require a different approach.

I am simply unable to draw because I am too rigid. I have too many expectations for myself, feeling that my drawings must always be better than my last. I have not finished a whole drawing within the past month because of this. The solution to this art block is not to take a break, nor is it to draw more, but to draw with the mindset that not every drawing must be perfect or better than the last. I need to loosen up and work myself out of this art block by simply drawing without expectations.

Don't get me wrong though. I agree that some art blocks require a break, some fresh air and time to think and clear out all the bad energy, but not all. One with an art block must analyze and ask him or herself, why? What is the reason or cause of their art block? Fatigue, expectation, distraction, or an outside source unrelated to art? How can they overcome it? Take a break, find an inspiration, draw more or draw loosely? Maybe all of the above?

I just hope what I share here helps those with art block overcome it.

Apologies if this is an inappropriate response to your journal. Just wanted to share my two cents~