phildog's avatar
He was just so fucking awesome. I loved him in that movie. When he blows up that guy's head with a tazer. Damn. So awesome.
Travtron7000's avatar
And he was a character who could be dark, hilarious, and a badass all at the same time, well, maybe Deadpool is like that too, but this guy literally came back from the dead! Deadpool... well he's an immortal XD
phildog's avatar
I was actually thinking the same thing, however, Red Hood plays it straight and lot less absurd. Deadpool is immortal because he ripped off wolverine's healing ability and because death incarnate want's his cock. Red Hood is just badass.

Personally, I like him, because he's like batman, but he doesn't let a moral code get in they way of doing the right thing.
Travtron7000's avatar
Exactly! He's like the opposite of Deadpool, he's the guy that knows what's best and yet is also like Deadpool in the way that he doesn't let certain moral things get in his way because he knows if it's accomplished that it will save more lives than the lives that are being sacrificed, you know what I mean?