ShadowmoonXBlackfire's avatar
Just got over it, and started shipping Soul X Kid :3 But now I'm over Soul Eater in general, I prefer Hetalia now =3=
Animegirl829's avatar
Oh. I understand, I get over shipping's allot too. And Hetalia is amazing! :D
Actually, I went through my Hetalia faze and my Skulduggery Pleasant (Valduggery) faze first, than moved on to Soul Eater recently. Your Fanfics are really good though! I wish I could read more of them, but most of them I don't recognize. ^^;
ShadowmoonXBlackfire's avatar
Ah, if only the phases never ended X_X I miss writing Soul Eater, but it's just boring for me now -3-
and sorry dude that you can't recognise anything xD it's all just Hetalia anyway. Ya know.
Lots of gay bum fluff <3
Animegirl829's avatar
Lmao, I know, right!? Cause I write fanfictions myself, but I get bored with pairings easily, and just adventually hate writing about them. Atleast with Soul Eater and Hetalia you can watch the anime and read the manga to get inspired! xD
With Skulduggery Pleasant pairings, you can't cause it's just a book. I was writing Valduggery stuff for a while, but I got tired of it. Right now I'm writing Soul X Maka stories, might do a Tsubaki X Blackstar one next, even though there's tons of them. ^^;