OMG-ImSoAwesome's avatar

I'll have a video and some photographs of it up. (That's if I can put it all together)

qrullgx13's avatar
No worries, its pretty easy if you're used to making papercrafts. Good luck!
OMG-ImSoAwesome's avatar
Yeah, I've made the Danbo, so I should be OK with this. Though it's knowing where all the bits belong. Some are more obvious than others. I'm folding all the bits now and then I plan to like piece them all together like a jigsaw before glueing. :la:
qrullgx13's avatar
Yes that's a good way of doing it if you wanna avoid mistakes.
OMG-ImSoAwesome's avatar
Yeah, though there's so much folding. :iconlazycryplz:

It's going to take me ages.
qrullgx13's avatar
Don't give up yet, you can do it! :iconlazywaveplz: