Candy2021's avatar
You and your obsession with shadows its KILLER i love her outfit and her powers so fantastic to see her on the team! I need to get my butt in gear and do one of these.
Shadow-People's avatar
This was my thought process for that first sentence. "I'm obsessed with shadows? Well, I don't really see how- I have a DA Avatar who is a shadow. Well that's one and- HOLY SHIT, MY NAME IS SHADOW-PEOPLE!" XDD it totally didn't even click in my head that I use it a lot. It was like the day I realized my favorite color was blue. I opened my closet and realized that 80% was one color. :rofl:
Candy2021's avatar
lol way to be slow on the uptake XD no worries I have the OPPOSITE favorite color is purple but i don't own like...ANY purple shirts...they are either black, red or's like my brain is subconsciously trying to MAKE dark purple.
Shadow-People's avatar
LOL yes. Just mix those all together and tell your brain its purple.